Monday, November 10, 2008

The Someday Girl

Despite what some of you may believe, I have frequently found myself without words – speechless if you will. While Hubby may enjoy my sporadic bouts of silence, I find them incredibly annoying. There are days that go by, you see, when I have nothing of interest to say even to myself. This wouldn’t be so bad if it didn’t translate into silence on the blog.

While some blog-related silences are acceptable – like vacations or home leave – others drive me almost as crazy as they do you, my Devoted Readers.

Staring at a blank page that refuses to fill itself with words is annoying. Especially when I am forced to blog about that blank, writer’s block inspired page. Nothing witty or even amusing ever came from a blog about nothing. Or maybe that’s how Seinfeld started. Who knows? I’m not a millionaire stand-up comic with my own eponymous must see television show.

That, of course, brings up the sad dream of every blogger in the blogoverse. To be the one in a million with our own TV series or better yet a three book deal from Random House. The Waiter did it. That postcard guy in Germantown, Maryland did it. Heck, the Internet made Perez Hilton famous for Pete’s sake! That’s why deep down where no RSS feeder can see, every blogger wonders, “Why not me?”

Why can’t I have my blog turn into a #1 best seller, which would soon be optioned into a great movie starring Kate Winslet as me? I could go to the book launch wearing my Eileen Fisher sweater and later attend the premiere in a brand new Chanel dress that was designed especially for me. What can’t I be that blogger?

Instead, I’m the girl with writer’s block who spends her days staring at a blank page. I’m the girl with a big blog dreams and a small blog reality. And I’m okay with that. For now…


Lynda said...

Hmm I just pretend I was busy on the days that nothing seems to come to mind.. I laughed when you asked if I was doing nablogmob (or whatever that is) as soon as you uttered the words.. my posts dried up! Agghhh the pressure.

Have you heard about the Julie/Julia project? Blog turned to book turned to movie...

Connie said...

Problem is, if you get famous, you may not have any time to keep up your blog... with all that dressing up, posing, creating scandals, punching paparazzi, etc. that you'll be required to fill your day with.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to have my own novel published (have already written lots of books, but nothing to make me famous.. just schoolbooks...) - but I wouldn't like the fame.

For someone who doesn't know what to say, you weave a good story!

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I've never really dreamed about getting published from my blog. If it was, it could be called "How to Be a Really Crap Knitter and Talk About it in Uninteresting Ways" or something to that effect. I have thought about writing up my experiences overseas for the last 20 years though. But, I'm too lazy to actually do it.

Anonymous said...

Need some topic suggestions? I can't believe that you would have writer's/blogger's block!

Sue said...

I must be the exception... I would hate to be famous. I don't want my blog made into a movie, or even a best-seller. I wouldn't enjoy launching anything.

I just blog when I feel like it, and don't when I have nothing to say. I try and blog at least once a week (otherwise a few friends and relatives start worrying!) but if I have nothing to say for six days, then I don't say anything.

Of course, there are some days when I write a lengthy blog post and still don't actually say anything...

Anonymous said...

The beast says he misses his Auntie Typo and says you can blog about him or pets in Egypt anytime.

And c'mon you are sooo famous. We have paparazzi in the lobby.

Jenni said...

I like the knitting pictures though... And while you wait for new crazy things happen to you that you can blog about, I'll just look at those in the meantime. :-)

United Studies said...

No matter what, I am still enjoying your blog. I actually don't like the really popular ones because they get like hundreds of comments and you never get to talk to them.

Gutsy Living said...

You sparked my curiosity.
First, you answered my blog posting only ONE SECOND after I hit the Post it BUTTON. WOW, that's warp speed.
Second, we all have the same problem about what would interest others in our blog. Are you hoping to be discovered via your blog? Or are you actually writing a memoir/novel/YA fantasy/short story?
Can't wait to read your embarrassing story. Hear from you soon.

Caution/Lisa said...

If it helps, I think you SHOULD be discovered. Sometimes I read, " why them?" So when you do make it big, remember I was a relatively early fan :)

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I have always thought that my blog was somewhat Seinfeldian. It is truly about nothing and then some. Mostly because I have blog block daily. That blank screen mocks me.