This NaBloPoMo thing is harder than it looks. Don’t get me wrong -- I 'm always ready to talk about myself but Hubby has accused me recently of recycling old material. I think we all know that while I’m not nearly environmentally friendly enough to do something as silly as recycling, he may have a vague point about my stretching certain issues to their 10th or 11th incarnation.
What all of this means is that I have a favour to ask you, Devoted Readers. Tell me what to do! Hold on. Knowing some of you, that might be too broad a request. Tell me what to write about. What would you like to see me discuss here on Wandering the World? Do you have questions you’d like to have answered about the meaning of life or other topics I might know something about?
Send in your suggestions and I will try to grant your wishes and answer any questions posed to the oracle in the coming days and weeks.
What all of this means is that I have a favour to ask you, Devoted Readers. Tell me what to do! Hold on. Knowing some of you, that might be too broad a request. Tell me what to write about. What would you like to see me discuss here on Wandering the World? Do you have questions you’d like to have answered about the meaning of life or other topics I might know something about?
Send in your suggestions and I will try to grant your wishes and answer any questions posed to the oracle in the coming days and weeks.
So, what IS the meaning of life then?
Why don't you recycle? or is that a concept that has not yet reached Egypt?
What is the best thing (or things) about living in Egypt? And the worst?
Best childhood memory?
Embarrassing moments?
What book are you reading now? Which authors do you like and why?
Tell me more about some of those cute stuffed animals...
Do the Egyptians celebrate Christmas? Tell us a bit about their celebrations...
Umm... running out of ideas...
But this should keep you going! ;-)
How are you adjusting to Egytian way of life? Is it difficult?
What are the cultural shock?
I want to hear what happened to 'my pot-luck lunch'!! Having a 'bad day' in Cairo = great blogging fodder. Turn it around and make if funny... if you had made it yesterday you could have written about us! We are hysterical!
1)Why we should burn the school 'down to the ground'
2) Alex the dog and egyptian pet issues...you could link to the help the puppies sites.
3) always a fan of the top ten lists best or worst...top ten reasons sarah palin must die (other than your hubby's fixation)...top ten songs that you should have on your ipod...top ten reasons we should burn 'down the school' ;)...top ten celebrities you love to hate (gwyneth!)...top ten Typo family vacation destinations ZANZIBAR, ZANZIBAR or recipes...top ten books worst/best books...etc.
Yes all superfluous topics but if you want deep stuff I would have to think and that hurts...Uh like world peace and stuff :)
What are the bathrooms like in Egypt? I always find that subject interested - and I swear i'm not a weirdo!
Tell us about the people in your neighborhood, in your neighborhood, in your neigh - bor - hood...
Wait... this is what I'm doing to get through NaBloPoMo.
No matter, we live in different neighborhoods.
I thought it was about time I sent you an award...
I think a certian car trip to gurgaon would be hilarious to re visit!!
Okay, so anonymous up there freaked me out a bit with the "Sarah Palin must die" suggestion, but all the others sound great. I like the Egyptian holiday idea...how about strange or different foods that are common there that aren't so common everywhere else? :)
Hmmm - cultural gaffes are always amusing.... How 'bout a bit more about yourself?.... A list of the countries you've been to and an interesting tidbit from each....
What do you miss the most about Kenya? What do you miss the least?
And will you please return the favor and ask me a question on my blog today too? (I may have done this ask-for-questions-thing too many times myself.)
As a new reader of your blog, I would love to know how you ended up in Egypt!
Visit Charlotte and do her meme... it will keep you occupied for a day or even two if you divide it up into two parts...
I have so many things that I haven't caught up on that my main problem right now is the desire to stop looking at my computer and just relax. I still haven't written a post about trick or treating yet! It's great that so many people have given you suggestions, though, I think that anything you (and Lynda) write about your life/Egypt is fascinating .
Do you enjoy the expat life? Are you mingling mainly with expats?
In regards to your most embarrassing moment story, on my blog, please just post the whole story as a comment on the Contest link, and I'll put all of them together on another posting on Saturday with a link to your blog.
Thanks again, and look forward to reading it.
As an Egyptian, I'd like to listen to more tales from the country you came from.
Where all have you lived? Any idea where you'll go next? Where would you LOVE to go?
And I would love to read more about the "basics." What restaurants are like. Grocery stores. Gas stations. Bathrooms. How do you keep your house cool? Can you find things that you crave? What new things have you discovered?
Wow...I just asked a lot of questions :-)
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