Friday, October 23, 2009

Bloggy Business

My intention for today’s post was to tell you about my latest addiction and how it has oddly improved my life and marriage. But then I took a look at my blog’s sidebar and noticed something important and momentous. No, it wasn’t the out of date links or the blogroll that needed to be updated, it was my Follower widget.

I have been blogging for several years now – in fact I marked my fourth blogoversary last month. For the first couple of years I had one Devoted Reader – my mother. According to my Followers Widget, I now have almost 100 Devoted Readers. Wow.

In lieu of a Sally Field-esque, “You like me! You really, really like me!” moment, I thought I would opt for a simple, “Thank you. Thank you so much.” Luckily, you can’t see the blog-shaped Oscar I’m clutching whilst bouncing up and down and squealing with joy. I wouldn’t want you to think this “follower” thing was going to my head or anything.

Normally this is where I would begin thinking of all the great things I could now accomplish with so many global followers. I could start that campaign for global dominance I’ve always talked about. Or I could officially announce my eponymous cult devoted to worshipping all things Typ0. Or I could announce my first ever Thank You for Being My Follower Contest.

I figured that option number three was the best way to go on this one.

The Thank You for Being My Follower Contest is easy to enter and comes with two awesome ways to win:
  1. Being my follower automatically enters you to win the cool prize. If you are not already a follower, this would probably be a good time sign up.
  2. Leave me a witty comment on this post and I’ll give you an extra entry.
That’s it: two ways to enter and win the fabulous and cool prize. Oh, did I forget to mention the fabulous and cool prize I’m giving away? Since I’m addicted to reading, I think everyone should be too, so I’m giving away a $25 Amazon gift certificate. I will email the winner their prize direct from

The Thank You for Being My Follower Contest will close on Saturday, October 31st. The winner will be determined using a random number generator and fancy magic tricks. I will announce the lucky winner’s name on Monday, November 2nd.

Thank you to everyone who reads this blog. You have no idea how much your visits, comments, and encouragement has meant to me over the past 4 years. You’re the best Devoted Readers a blogging girl could ask for. Thanks and good luck!


Zuzana said...

What a generous offer and what beautiful tribute to your followers.;)
No need for gifts tough, I love to follow your writing, it is a pleasure every day.
Have a great Friday and congratulations on your popularity, it is much deserved.;)

illahee said...

something witty. sorry, as an american, i fail at wit. ;)

i answered your wii fit question in the comments of my blog, but long answer short: if you're not already in good shape, wii fit is probably a good investment.

betty-NZ said...

Holy followers, Batman! It's a great blog to follow!

SunnyMorn said...

Wow $25 Amazon bucks....might help me convince DH that I actually HAVE to have a Kindle. I have severe Kindle envy!! And it is all your fault!!

But also made me become a legit follower even though I have followed and loved you for years!!

Betty Manousos said...

I love reading your writing.
Thank you so much for your post.
Thank you for commenting I always love reading your comments.
You can enter the Draw if you like.

Unknown said...

Ok I have been following you
FOR-E V A ... gimme the card go on.. just give it to me....

Sandra Wilkes said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting on the "Wes and His Dogs" story. I love knowing that I am communicating 1:1 with someone on the other side of the globe! Too cool! You and your hubby enjoy your travels. Witty? Hmmmm. Denial is choosing your own reality. It ain't no river in Egypt!

Susie said...

Congratulations on your blogoversary!! What a HUGE accompishment:-)

Anonymous said...

Way to go! Witty?--nah, you know that aint my gig!
However, as a perpetual follower(and yes, probably your oldest/longest follower) who returns to the site more than once a day to check on comments: congrats, and I wish you many more years of blogging and great writing. :)

Unknown said...

Well first, congrats for having over a 100 followers. We're all so important to each other and I'm glad that I found you a couple of months ago.

Second, an Amazon Gift Certificate... wow! I could buy 2.5 new releases... or 5 older ones for my Kindle! I'm in!

N said...

Congratulations! You always write the most interesting posts and stories. You're a great writer that we all should take your as example :p

Anonymous said...

I still owe you knitting needles which are sitting in my cupboard. OOPS!

thatgirlblogs said...

hello! I am your newest, and therefor shiniest follower.

MaricrisG said...

You are such a precious bloggy friend and I do adore you! ONe of these days I might see you too *hint* *hint* -crossing my fingers! - Now for a witty comment? - I'll give it a shot. "It's not all about who follows you but why they follow you"'re fabulous and I love you!

LadyFi said...

I'm a follower even though I like to think of myself as creating trends and not following them! ;-)

See how witty I am?! Or should that be witty with a 't' in front...

The Blonde Duck said...

We would follow you wherever you go!

Becky said...

@illahee lol - that is very witty and so true! ;) Like this commentary I found by Rick Reilly about soccer/football fan cheers:

"I wish America had a decent chant. Ours is lamer than Members Only jackets. All we have is that crappy old U-S-A! U-S-A! cheer. A stoned ferret could've thought of that one... (he says there was a contest for a new cheer and the winner was lame)... Ugh Why beat around the bush? Here's my entry:
We are the Yankees!
We are not afraid!
You beat us tonight!
Thursday, we invade!"

lol - I love that ;)

Congrats on your followers!!! I love your blog and your writings!!!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I am thrilled to be among your devoted stalkers. And am quite convinced about being seperated at birth. It isn't nepotism to be sure that I win the contest. Right?

Sharon said...

I'm in! (not witty, but perhaps pithy?)

cheatymoon said...

I think I was #100. Would that get me an extra entry? :-) Great idea.

Nicolasa said...

I can totally see you clutching your Oscar! Hell, I had mine out when I hit 300 posts! ;-)

Jennifer C. Valerie said...

So weird that it had to take a contest to make me realize that I was not following you. In fact when I read this post I said to myself - "Okay, I'm already following her so all I have to do is make a 'witty' comment for the extra entry". Then the thought occurred to me to double check and I'm glad I did because I found out that I was not following you after all. I really thought I was. Anyway, it's all good now.

Congratulations on passing the 100 mark. Have a great weekend.

Eve said...


I wish I had something witty to add, but as usual when it matters, my mind has become a blank!

Debbie said...

Oooh. Fancy magic tricks. One normally has to go to Vegas for that:)
Congrats on your followers (looks like you've picked up quite a few more) and on so many years of blogging. I have enjoyed getting to know you on here.

Just A Normal Mom said...

Wow - so many great places you've traveled. Sorry, no wit when I'm put on the spot! But I have enjoyed reading about some of the cool places you've seen....
Visiting from SITS.

Kathy B! said...

Your followers are richly deserved. I adore your blog :) May you have many more years of blogging... and many more followers!

Unknown said...

Dunno if I even count as a "follower" but I have to admit, I was very excited when I finally realized that TypO had A NAME and then even got to meet her!!!

I miss you desperately, and hope to see you again soon (preferrably in your new abode - my Hubby won't go back to Cairo!)

We'll bring booze!

Anonymous said...


Casey (@ Chaos and Cardboard) said...

I follow you, of course. I enjoy reading about the adventures of another American living overseas. Although you are much braver than I!

A $25 Amazon Card would be awesome! I just spent 35 on books with titles like, "Hands are Not for Hitting" and "Listen and Learn." Now I need to buy some that say "You Can Do It! Just Don't Kick the Children" or "You Are a Good Teacher. It's them, Not You."

Keep up the great blogging!

Anonymous said...

I meant to start following you and just forgot. Seriously.
I'm new to you but I love readng about your travels and you're such a gifted writer and well, you had me at, one of the weirdest web sites I've ever seen.

As for the funny part, well, Two camels walk into a bar and -- no, uh-uh. Funny has to just happen for me. If I try too hard my funny shrinks like a frightened turtle!

jerricaparr said...

Sadly enough I am only just now becoming a follower.
Although by reading this post and a couple of others, I'm not sure why I hadn't become one sooner.

Unknown said...

New follower! Thanks

Nancy said...

I am a new follower. I was #115.

So just imagine Mom plus 114 more of us following your adventures, rather like that geeky guy in the cell phone commercials that used to say "Can you hear me now?" Actually, I am sure that all 115 of us are cooler than he is! LOL! Hope this is extra-entry worthy!

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

AndreaLeigh said...

congrats on your followers! i love to read your posts. I still would love to hear the story you were going to tell about your latest addiction though...

Lydia said...

Witty? That's what I read you for! You're the witty one! :)

Connie said...

I am glad to be a follower! I love your blog :D

Lindsay said...

Hey there! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! First time visiting yours and I LOVE it so far! :)

I think it's awesome that you're living in Cairo right now. I would absolutely love to visit Egypt one day... I've been fascinated by the culture for years now. The pyramids are nothing short of amazing!

Happy to have connected - can't wait to read more :)


Suzi said...

I am a new follower! :) Congrats on 100+ followers, too. Coming back to read more..


Helga Hansen said...

~Takes out her calculator and works out that it's well worth the money to follow this blog, even without the $25 incentive from Amazon!~

I came here via Caroline from Norway's blog. :-)

Sandy said...

Of course I follow you! Who wouldn't if they knew you.

Lacey said...

I decided to start a book club, and if I win this fabtastic gift I could actually afford the books! Plus, maybe I figure out what this kindle is all about.

Nicole said...

You Rock girl :)!
Congrats on all these great people following you :)

Since I'm not witty today, I leave the funny stuff and the Voucher to the others ;)

Fake Expatriate said...

I've been following you since you lived in Kenya! Win! :)

Miss Footloose said...

Cairo TypO, you were one of my first blog finds to follow when I started out blogging about this interesting, funny world of ours, and you were one of MY first followers and I was sooo grateful! So I know how you feel. Congratulations!

And witty? I'm all witted out. I used every drop I had writing a post about a rat at the table ====;)

Tam and John said...

Yesterday, I logged on to my blog and discovered I had ten (10) (TEN) followers! Anyone watching on a hidden camera would have thought I'd been awarded the Pulitzer. And, just in case anyone was, I gave my acceptance speech, out loud. Rock on with your 100!

Yankee Girl said...

How thoughtful of you!

I always get really excited when I see I have a new follower. And then I get excited again when I see said new follower actually leaves comments!

Melissa B. said...

A witty comment, huh? Where you lead, I will follow? And I'ma gonna try to follow you right now...

LadyFi said...

You HAVE entered me, right?

Brooke said...

I wish I was witty enough to leave a witty comment, but I'm not. Sorry.

Roxane said...

I follow you even though you are a Maple Leafs fan! Now THAT is dedication ;P

SurferWife said...

Well, Tyra and her weird whack weave dance brought us together. Something good came from my nightmare last night. Fantastic blog, btw! I am happy to follow with or without the contest!!

theUngourmet said...

I really do like you. In fact, I miss you and worry about you when you disappear for months at a time. So glad you've resurfaced! I love reading about your fun and interesting travel experiences. :D

Christine Gram said...

Wow. You are pretty darn savvy at this blogging thing. I'm taking notes.

But I feel like I should be thanking YOU... I'll have to figure out how to check, but I'm pretty sure you win for the follower leaving the most comments on my blog. YOU ROCK! Thanks for inspiring me to keep at it.

Shop with Me Mama said...

First time to your blog and think it is really neat! Thanks for the chance to win! Oh, and I am following your blog too :)

Betty Manousos said...

I love following you!!
hugs hugs

Betty Manousos said...

I love following you!!
hugs hugs

Pseudo said...

Well, I have been following you for awhile. Who wouldn't? You live in an exotic place, post photos of road trips in Europe, and write about all kinds of interests.

Plus you travel with me on Thursday ; -)

congrats on the 100+

Lucy said...

Thanks for coming by my blog. I'm a follower!! :)

biff_erin said...

Well, I'm not really witty so here it goes: "witty comment."