Thursday, November 27, 2008


Last night, Black Beard and Adelpha joined Hubby and I for a pleasant evening of Mexican food and drinking. We chatted and drank well into the night. Shortly after they headed home, Adelpha sent me a message to turn on CNN. It seemed the world was once again being held hostage by the evil actions of a few men.

We watched the Taj Hotel seemingly being enveloped by flames. We listened as one of our other favorite hotels – the Oberoi – also tried to survive the siege of terror.

Hubby and I looked at each other and fell back in time to the Indian train bombings two years ago, to the bombing in Nairobi in 1998, to 9/11. We started at the television fearful for our friends in the region and terrified for those people still trapped inside the two hotels.

On this day of Thanksgiving and celebration let all our thoughts and prayers are with people of Mumbai.


Christine Gram said...

I'm so very sorry. What a horrible tradgey.

Anonymous said...

It made simply terrible reading this morning as the front page news! Hope all your friends are OK.

Hi! I'm Janola. said...

I hope all your friends are fine. It seems that terrorists don't realize how many of their own people get killed. Of the 100+ that died last night, 8 were westerners. what about the 92+ indians? And, i'm sure the tourists involved had nothing to do with the problems facing indians today.

my prayers are also with all those affected by last night's terror.

Connie said...

The levels of evil and ignorance that motivate people to conduct such crimes are staggering. That 'special place in hell' is going to be really crowded.

Corinne said...

The rationale these terrorists use are frightening and disgusting. It doesn't matter if you kill fellow people, those souls are "martyrs." It allows for nothing more than cold-blooded murder.

Our thoughts to those families who suffered the loss of a loved one, and to Mumbai as a community.

Linsey said...

Hear, hear.

Anonymous said...

The fear that these events trigger in me and, I am sure, in many others, is exactly what these terrorists want and expect.
Thanksgiving always includes that modicum of a "Wish, a prayer for Peace".
May Peace be with us all. My prayers and hopes for Peace are with all those affected by war and terrorism.

lizzy-loo said...

i watched these events this morning as well with a fear in my heart for the ways our world is changing and for the hatred one man has for another. i pray your friends have come through alright, but am saddened for the senseless loss of others.

Alicia @ Oh2122 said...

I can't even imagine. We were watchng the coverage late last night. In a nauseatingly ironic turn, we were "warned" of "potential, unspecified, unconfirmed threats" in the US for today. That whole dance for the media just makes me even angrier for the people who really are suffering today.

I hope you hear from your friends soon.

Stay safe.

Gutsy Living said...

It's very sad, and obviously since you lived there, and have friends, I can't imagine what you must be going through. have you been able to contact your friends?

N said...

I hope everything is okay. *hugs*

Anonymous said...

Hope everyone is alright!

United Studies said...

Amen and Amen.