Friday, December 26, 2008

Gone Again

I realize that I just got back from Cyprus. I also realize that during that time I left you, my wonderful Devoted Readers, high, dry, and blog-less for almost an entire week. Since my return from my Cypriot sojourn, however, I have tried to make it up to you with tales of my adventures, stories of Christmas past, and a few random visits into my insane thinking process.

So I hope you won’t hold it against me then when I disappear for another week or two. Hubby and I are going to Japan for the holidays. We’ll be visiting Osaka, Tokyo, and numerous points in between.

I really want to go to Hiroshima to visit the Peace Park and leave behind a paper crane. Hubby wants to try as many different types of sushi as he can. And I also want to try the Fugu because eating something that could kill me would make a great blog entry! (Yup, I’m committing possible death by food just to provide myself with blog fodder and you with something interesting to read. That’s dedication!)

I’m going to try to pop in once or twice with updates about the trip so stay tuned for lots of Japanese fun complete with sushi, sake, and your favorite sassy hostess! (*cough* That would be me.) I’ll be back in two weeks – blog you then.


illahee said...

have fun in wintry cold japan!!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the trip and we'll be in touch!

Anonymous said...

Oh - be careful with the blowfish! No need to risk an agonizing death on my account...

Have a great time in Japan!

Betty said...

Have a great time and don´t forget to take lots of photos!! We want to see it all!!

Casey (@ Chaos and Cardboard) said...

Have fun! Stay warm!

Anonymous said...

Have fun :D!!!

Gutsy Living said...

I'm envious. How come you get to travel so much and I don't? I am off to a B&B for two nights in Palm Springs though. I can't wait. Have a wonderful time in Japan.

N said...

Have a great time! I've been to Japan 4 times and I always loved it! There's more than takoyaki, sukiyaki...etc. I've been to Hiroshima when I was a was really something to see.

When are you leaving? For how long?

Connie said...

HAVE FUN! and take lots of photos! We'll miss you :-)

Louise | Italy said...

Have a wonderful time! Best season's greetings from Carmine Superiore, Italy.

Linda S. Socha said...

A blogger on the go I see. This is my first visit to you blog and I find your style delightful. If you are out and about please stop by and say hello

Zuzana said...

I wish you a wonderful stay in Japan and hope to be able to wish you a Happy New Year upon your return.;))
Look forward to interesting recaps of your trip - next year.;))

Pseudo said...

Your life sounds way cool. I'll be back. This ain't no ordinary blog.

Corinne said...

I hope you are having a great time! I spent three years on Okinawa, and the Okinawan Peace Park is a stunning memorial...I hope you are able to make it to Hiroshima. Enjoy, and Happy New Year!

United Studies said...

Have fun! Please bring back lots of pictures and stories!

Unknown said...

Miss hearing whats going on... hurry back!