Monday, December 01, 2008

Happiness is…

I know I said that I was going to take a few days off after NaBloPoMo but evidently posting everyday has become a bit of a bad habit. In any case, over the past week two of my favorite bloggers have posted cool photographic collages. Never one to buck a trend I immediately started trying to create my own collage of happiness. That’s where the trouble started.

First I had trouble thinking of enough things that made me happy. When I asked Hubby for some suggestions his rather pouty response was, “Don’t I make you happy?” When I pointed out that I had represented him not once, not twice, but three times in my collage he still wasn’t appeased and refused to come up with any suggestions other than Kraft Dinner.

I Googled words that made me happy like “amazing kitchen” and “Gerber daisies.” Then wandered through my own iphoto collection to find shots of things that represented everything from family to the various countries I have called home. My random happiness hunting even resulted in my finding a new purse to dream and obsess about.

Then came the hard part – the collage. I understood that there was a way to use Picasa to build my square of joy but I couldn’t quite figure out how to do it. In the end I built this collage myself using Swift Publisher and had so much fun I actually designed two of them!

I present to you my Happiness Collage: inspired by my fellow bloggers and created with the bliss I absorbed through osmosis from the world around me.


Lynda said...

Looks great - thanks for the link - still no word on when I will get my blog back -- terrible grief!!

Happiness Collage.

PS I found that the collage is neater if you make all the pics the same size and then they don't get distorted. If you use picasa - just put all the pics into one folder - highlight and then go to the CREATE tab - it will guide you through.

G in Berlin said...

What happened to Lynda? I thought that she was just very busy!

I feel the urge to blog now that it is not required as well;). Although I think I need to start importing photos first. THey are floating over three computers at this point.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a lovely collage .. is that a view of a hotel room in a mirror? I love Gerbera flowers too.

Anonymous said...

That's a beautiful show of happiness!
I still haven't figured out a decent way to do a collage in Picasa.
I did my last two in Photoshop.
Oh well :)
You did a good job at yours :D

illahee said...

lovely collage! i don't have any photo editing software, so i just use that one flickr page (the name of it has flown out of my mind. sorry.) i store and share so many pictures there so it's pretty easy.

anyway, do you mind if i put you on my blog roll?

Lydia said...

Oh, Typ0, you made my day!! Yay for collages! Yeah, I'm still trying to figure out Picasa and how to make a new folder but thanks to Lulu, I at least discovered Picasa!! And on the left hand side of the "create collage" window, you can choose different arrangements, like the nice even 5x5 box, or a mosaic. There are lots of options! And congrats on NaBloPoMo! Maybe I'll try next year!!

Diane Mandy said...

Oh it looks wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Great collection! Love the knitting--or was it knitting? !! An all teh bathrooms and kitchens--especially the meal on the plane?

Caution/Lisa said...

I last all of two days on NaBloPoMo, so kudos to you. Your blog really is great reading :)

Now I am wondering what I would put in that collage. A treadmill? I think not! Perhaps a gallon of ice cream??

Sarah said...

excellent idea-- now how to navigate Picasa.....

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I love your collage o'happiness! And I bet you are ready for a day off :-) I am ready for you to take a break. So that I can work on getting caught up. I have SEVEN posts of yours to read still...

Well...not really, since I just read them all. And I am still on our love of Coke Zero. I think I feel the need to have one right now...

Amanda said...

I (heart) purple iPods.

lizzy-loo said...

how wonderful to have all your favorite things together. that is a lot of happiness.

United Studies said...

We share many of the same things that make us happy. :-)

Betty said...

I love this idea! Am going to copy you, once I get time.
Daisy Gerbera´s are my fave flower too!

Simple Answer said...

What is the blue? Is it weaving? And I don't know L. Apparently, I have some catching up to do!

Anonymous said...

hey gf-
you need to email me, i have news. Can you do that for me? Good stuff on the collage front, I liked it. :)

Gutsy Living said...

Beautiful. I want to try now. Did you say that Picasa is supposed to work, but you found it too difficult? Bummer. I'll try it too.

Anonymous said...

A Treadmill Type0?? I find that hard to believe. But otherwise Beautiful happiness!!