Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Love Market

In a moment of gushiness last week, I asked Hubby if he loved me as much today as he did all those years ago when we first met. Sitting in an Irish pub in Cyprus, nibbling on my incredibly tasty Greek salad, and sipping a pint of beer, he looked into my eyes and said, “At least as much.” I realize that I read too many trashy romances but I had really been hoping for something heartfelt and sweet like, “More and more every day.”

That’s when I realized that while I may love Hubby “more every day,” there are also those days when I love him a little less. After discussing this phenomenon and realizing its inherent truth, we dubbed the rise and fall of our love for one another “The Love Stock Market.”

Before you deem me heartless and unadoring of my wonderful spouse allow me to explain. The day of our conversation, I was definitely on a love high – we were in an amazingly beautiful country, staying at a fabulous hotel, and had forced ourselves away from such reality hawkers as the news, Internet, and cell phones. Life and love were at an all time peak.

The week before this, Hubby had worked late several nights, I received some emails that made me grouchy, and life in general seemed destined to bring my normally chipper spirits to a dull simmer. How in love with love could I be in a city choked with so much pollution that stars can’t even shine?

In times like that, our Love Market takes a dip. Lest any bargain hunting H-Bucks get the wrong impression, I don’t sell my Love futures – I simply leave them with a safe holding company that trades in happy vacation-filled, purse-lined memories.

Hubby’s love for me, it should be noted, is also traded on the Love Market. But unlike my affections that trade on the whims of PMS and chocolate éclairs, his is more stable and dependant upon my not being on a PMS tirade about the lack of éclairs in my life or his dreadful baggy jeans. He’s cute that way.

In the end, our THL (Typ0 Hubby Love Index) fluctuates fairly regularly but is a pretty stable market for its key investors. We have our ups and our downs but we love each other at least as much today as we did all those years ago when he first knocked on my door.


N said...

I think it might be normal...there are days when one feels high and low about love. I'm like that too so my hubby better please me everyday:p

G in Berlin said...

Have you been watching the stock market lately? When I first saw your analogy I thought you might be requesting a federal bailout.
Truly, I know what you mean. I am in a very low ebb right now and the German is dealing with it. My ebbs are really a result of external factors: kid problems, kids' school problems, my language problems, etc, and his are a result of my moods!

Simple Answer said...

I'd say anyone who can count more love than not, is pretty darn lucky!

Zuzana said...

Ah, I LOVE this post. I so understand it. Love is and should be constant, but the way we love can change, which brings excitement into any relationship. Too much anything, even anything good can be bad for you.;)
I love the way you compare it to a marked change.;) Wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Great post and metaphor! And so true...

Scriber's Web said...

Great post. How true is that! I've been married for 25 years and it took me years to get this.

Limningedge said...

Great post! Perhaps the fluctuations in the marketplace make it "interesting" as I guess we can't really expect warm and fuzzy all the time - but it would be nice ;-)
What is that old saying ... the only thing constant is change?
I would just like some constant right now ... sigh

Scriber's Web said...

Hey! Thanks for visiting my blog. Regarding your comment on my blog, the photo you see is a collage of 25 photos I uploaded. You can use more or less. Even one.
The card itself is half the size of a business card. If you do order them, make sure that in the back you use a very bright color. I used orange and you can barely read it. Of course when someone complains I tell them that they may be due for an eye check up. LOL.
You can also buy cute accessories for the card. Like a holder you can snap on to your key chain.
They are printed in England so it may be easier as far as shipment goes.
Let me know if you need help. Handing out these cards has certainly escalated my blogger level. People tend to take your blog more seriously if you hand out cards. Don't know why.
Good luck and keep up with the blogging.

Christine Gram said...

Ups and downs that's for sure... and hard to see the general trends.

Connie said...

Ah, so you mean it is REAL! :-)

United Studies said...

I think it's normal for couples to have ups and downs. I know there are days when I am so mad at Peter and I wonder why I married him. Then there are days I feel like he's the best husband in the world.

Amanda said...

What a sweet post!

Stacey Cannon said...

Awww I thought that was very sweet and as "real life" as it gets. Although marriage isn't a fairytale, we do get a few fairytale moments...

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I soooo understand. There are days that I just want to knock my husband's block off. And then he does something that is so sweet and I forget everything. Till the next time :-)

Jenni said...

How DID you guys meet? And how long have you been married?

Laural Out Loud said...

I can see how "At least as much" could rob your love tank a bit, lol. My husband is a romantic dud, but every once in a while he says something totally amazing and I start to soar.

lizzy-loo said...

there is no appreciation without a few ups and downs. love the analogy.

Michelle said...

I totally agree with your analogy. When I'm in a low, my hubby asks me if I still love him. My response is, "I may not like you right now, but I'll always love you."

Anonymous said...

I can sign this.
And I love how Michelle put it :)
And I hate emails bringing me down, I had those last week as well.

Anonymous said...

so well said ... Life is not a romantic novel they say !! and this stock market like thing u will see in all realtions :)