Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Fighting Through

Waiting for my Writer’s Block (or WB, as he likes to be called) to return to the cave from which it was spawned has been a rather lengthy waiting game. Thankfully, I didn’t listen to WB when he told me to hold my breath while I waited. Instead, I listened to my wonderful bloggy friends who encouraged me to hop back on the keyboard and get to blogging again.

Day after day,I kept staring at the blank page on my computer, willing my fingers to magically begin the dance that would fill it with words. That too was a futile dream as the only magic my Mac bore witness to in the last two months was the Harry Potter DVD I watched during my Nile cruise.

Writer’s Block, I have learned, is an evil and mad genius whose sole goal in life is to mock me. To taunt me until I break and swear off writing forever. Never mind the hints of gold I would occasionally mine while I was out and about each day – WB made sure that by the time I returned home, my momentary spots of genius had turned into fool’s gold not fit for the pages of Mad Magazine, let alone my blog.

Then, yesterday morning, I made up my mind – if WB wasn’t going to leave of his own volition, I was going to be a poor hostess and kick out this uninvited guest! Words would flow from my brain to my fingers if it killed me. I swore that the two months worth of great stories that wanted to be told would have their chance to shine. I would stop feeding Writer’s Block with my hesitancy and indecision. I would starve the bugger out with my creativity and determination. And if all else failed – I would sick one of my stuffed animals on him.

I’m ready to write! I’m ready to scream my words to the blogosphere and see what comes back.

In the immortal words of Elton John, “The bi!ch is back!”


Louise | Italy said...


Lydia said...

Yay!! Good for you!

Connie said...

Missed you! :-)

Anonymous said...

YEAH - welcome back :)

Christine Gram said...

Hahaha, YEAY your back!!! I was tickled to see you post on the 6th picture meme. Tag, you're it! I want to see one of yours! Pick a picture that you normally would pass by and tell us a story about it. The meme is the 6th photo in your 6th folder. You can decide what that means.

Zuzana said...

Welcome back; you were greatly missed! I know, WB's are the pits.;) Glad you got rid of yours.;))

Anonymous said...

Kalloo Kallay, oh frabjous day! You're back! Hurray! I've missed you and your writing...

... Have I mentioned how happy I am to see you back?

WB will soon go from meaning Writer's Block to Withered Bollocks... Er.. or something like that.

Throw him out that good-for-nothing...

In the meantime, welcome back!

Have I said that already?

Unknown said...

Woo Hoo! Your back! You have been missed

mythopolis said...

Or in the more recently penned words of Ben Folds, "The bitch went nuts!" ha! If you are ready to write, I am ready to read! : )

Unknown said...

thanks for visiting my blog, you
you have been to this place

United Studies said...

WOO-HOO!!!! I for one am SO GLAD you are back!!!! I have missed you this past month.

Amanda said...

I was starting to worry that you'd gotten lost on some sort of desert hike! Glad you're back.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic news! Soooo--when do we hear about all the trips?
(Just kidding! But do get started)

Gutsy Living said...

I'm so happy to hear from you. I worried that something had happened to you, as I know what a wonderful blogger you are. I also wondered if your husband told you that blogging takes up too much of your spare time together. Thankfully you're happy and well. Great first post.

Anonymous said...

Glad you are back in the saddle again! Missed you! :)

Thanks for your nice comment on my hat. :)

Pseudo said...

Look forward to being a new reader.

Betty said...

Great to see your comments again and a new post on your blog!
First off you can tell where you were and what you were up to. That should fill a page or two!
Missed you!

Caution/Lisa said...

WB is more bark than bite. Glad you saw through his ruse. Soooo good to have you back!

G in Berlin said...

Good to see you back!

Sarah said...

welcome back! I was close to sending a search party for you. Damn you writer's block-- go back to where you came....

N said...

Hey, can you please give me your e-mail address? I changed my blog to private in order to get rid of rude commenters. Thanks a lot.

Alicia @ Oh2122 said...

Welcome back!

This is why I love my Google Reader. I knew the second you were back!

BPOTW said...

Sometimes a good break is needed, but it gets frustrating when the ideas just won't come. I used to have a couple of theme days on my blog to help with WB. Have fun writing again!

Thanks for sharing with BPOTW!