You always hear about people being “morning people” or “night owls.” I’ve never really understood either creature. The former enjoys getting up at the crack of dawn and is immediately chipper and human to all whom they see. My response to these freaks of nature is, in the infamous words of Gabrielle, “I will rise, but I refuse to shine!”
Then you have the types of people who are awake at 5 a.m. because they still haven’t gone to bed from the night before. They are worse than morning people because they look disdainfully at you when you ask to bow out for the night at the reasonable hour of 1 a.m. Most people go through their 20s as night owls. I have never been a night owl because I enjoy sleeping too much.
Given that I don’t fall into either of these well known categories you are likely thinking that I am one of those rare “day creatures” who is chipper and productive during normal daylight hours. Day creatures enjoy a good cup of coffee in the morning, go to work, eat lunch, finish work for the day, and then go home full of vim and vigor for their families. They don’t start yawning at the dinner table are perfectly happy to snuggle with their sweetie and watch a movie before heading to bed.
I’m not one of those people either.
I am a new breed of person: I am a “between 1:00 and 2:00 person.” Allow me to explain. I don’t like mornings because they remind me that I could be asleep or at least curled up under my duvet reading a good book. Around lunch I perk up because I am being fed – and I like being fed. After lunch and the rush of nutrients has worn off the only thing to get me through my day is thoughts of the wonderful things waiting for me at home like cookies, the shrimp I’m preparing for dinner, or ice cream. Oh and Hubby, he’s important too! But after a long day of working, blogging, and being cheerful I’m exhausted when I get home.
I don’t like waking up early. I am physically incapable of staying up late. Yet being a day person means having to put far more effort into life than I am willing exert. Instead I’m going to stick with my one hour of bliss a day. Sure, everyone else has to live with my crabby tired morning self, and my crabby tired night self. But for those people lucky enough to find me during my one hour of non-crabbiness each day – well, I’m sure they’re counting their blessings and hoping they’re not invited over later tonight.
PS: Some of you may have noticed that I haven't been visiting around the blogosphere for the last few days. Stay tuned for visits and news in a few days!
Then you have the types of people who are awake at 5 a.m. because they still haven’t gone to bed from the night before. They are worse than morning people because they look disdainfully at you when you ask to bow out for the night at the reasonable hour of 1 a.m. Most people go through their 20s as night owls. I have never been a night owl because I enjoy sleeping too much.
Given that I don’t fall into either of these well known categories you are likely thinking that I am one of those rare “day creatures” who is chipper and productive during normal daylight hours. Day creatures enjoy a good cup of coffee in the morning, go to work, eat lunch, finish work for the day, and then go home full of vim and vigor for their families. They don’t start yawning at the dinner table are perfectly happy to snuggle with their sweetie and watch a movie before heading to bed.
I’m not one of those people either.
I am a new breed of person: I am a “between 1:00 and 2:00 person.” Allow me to explain. I don’t like mornings because they remind me that I could be asleep or at least curled up under my duvet reading a good book. Around lunch I perk up because I am being fed – and I like being fed. After lunch and the rush of nutrients has worn off the only thing to get me through my day is thoughts of the wonderful things waiting for me at home like cookies, the shrimp I’m preparing for dinner, or ice cream. Oh and Hubby, he’s important too! But after a long day of working, blogging, and being cheerful I’m exhausted when I get home.
I don’t like waking up early. I am physically incapable of staying up late. Yet being a day person means having to put far more effort into life than I am willing exert. Instead I’m going to stick with my one hour of bliss a day. Sure, everyone else has to live with my crabby tired morning self, and my crabby tired night self. But for those people lucky enough to find me during my one hour of non-crabbiness each day – well, I’m sure they’re counting their blessings and hoping they’re not invited over later tonight.
PS: Some of you may have noticed that I haven't been visiting around the blogosphere for the last few days. Stay tuned for visits and news in a few days!
I love to get a full day in, seriously, up at 6 a.m. in bed by 11:30ish and have a blast all day long. I can sleep when I'm old - like the seniors do at the nursing home where I work. Enjoy your 1 hour days! That was cute!!
Interesting take on the whole thing. I am definately a morning person. Not chippper, but after that first cup of coffee, most productive.
I'm with you -- neither a night or morning person. Although, given that it's 12:20 my time, I guess I trend more towards night owl... !
I can't wait to hear what sort of fabulousness you've been up to : )
We noticed your absence, but assumed you'd be back with something intriguing... and I'm totally intrigued : )
I totally agree. I am an afternoon person. I refuse to speak in the mornings before my shower, and I am dead by 9pm. 1pm is a good time for me.
I've done both day and night shift work, alternating, and found that I am definitely a night person. I could work all night, stay up half the day (mornings if I wanted to go shopping and have the stores all to myself, or evenings if I wanted to go out playing in the afternoon and evening.) I only needed 5-6 hours of sleep. Yet I'd switch to day shift for several months and I had to have a full 8 hours sleep, or more, in order to get out of bed and be functional for the whole day! I still do not seem to hit my stride until after the sun goes down... yet, with kids I am on full-time day shift. My kids know that mommy doesn't think well before coffee ;D
i used to swing between both, either a morning person or a night owl (but not at the same time LOL). since i had kids, i'm all out of whack. but sleeping is my no. 1 priority!!
Hmmm. Definitely a day person here and one of the perks of farm life is the chance to go to bed and wake with the birds. Mornings are painful when nights are too late, but when I can simply sleep when I'm ready...I can be ready for morning and quite cheerful too. I truly try not to be too obnoxious. I read a research paper on sleep where all time cues were eliminated and people began sleeping more like dogs and cats...in shorter sessions spread out throughout the day and night. Little hard to manage in a mechanised over-lit world. But I quite like the concept of a one hour day.
You make me feel so much better! I am good from 10 AM to noon. It's a short window, but very good.
You have news?! How long do we have to wait?
I suppose I am a morning person--I like my coffee first thing and then get all the yucky jobs done so that I can get the rest of the day for MY jobs.
I am honestly an all-day person. I wake up quickly and am able to function well into the night. Maybe I am a rare breed?
I was wondering where you were. I noticed you were posting, but I missed your comments.
Since coming into menopause, I have become a morning person. But I don´t like it. I would much rather sleep late and stay in bed. But if I can´t sleep and my back hurts....you get up! My husband sleeps like a log anytime of day! I HATE that!! :)
Use to be a "night owl," not so any more. NEVER NEVER was a morning person. Happy morning people piss me off. I'm much more like you, except I have a two hour window of non-crabbiness. It's called nap time (for the kids, not me).
Hehe, I'm all kinds of these mixed up in a big bag.
I have been a night owl, now I'm one only rarely.
Had to be a morning person due to my job (partying nights and sometimes working mornings shifts...)
Now I'm just laid back.
I like that you have one good hour! To heck with the other 23!
I am assuming that this post was written by 1:00 and 2:00 Cairo time?
Can't wait to read about what you have up your sleeve!
I'm the latter...always been a night owl but I also worked in early mornings before.
I go to sleep with the kids at around 8.30 pm... Yep - I'm your exciting kind of person!
The anklebiters have a tendency to wake up at around 5 or 6 am... So, I'm up early, but not shining until after my morning coffee!
I was never a morning person until my kids came along, but I still LOVE my sleep.
Moving on to the next post so I can read what's going on...
Winks & Smiles,
I thought you were ignoring me, but now you have a brilliant excuse, you're in Canada. I can see you in flip-flops in the snow.
Have fun, and enjoy your shopping, only after visiting me. HAHAHA. No, just shop, now that you have a chance.
"I have never been a night owl because I enjoy sleeping too much."
You can be a night owl and sleep a lot - you just need a cushy job to go with it. I often stay up until 5 a.m. but I don't have to be at work until between 2-4.30. Only on the weekends do I get too little sleep.
totally with you on this one. i'm more of a 10am til 11.20am person with maybe a burst of energy around 5.30 after the low at 4pm which is remedied by a nice wine!!!
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