Sunday, May 31, 2009


Nothing reminds you that you live in the middle of a desert like dirt. And in this town it’s everywhere and appears literally out of nowhere to attack previously clean surfaces.

People may mock and get rather up in arms about the fact that I have a maid but around here it’s a necessity. In addition to the age-old excuse of “But I’m giving work to a local at good wages who might otherwise be unemployed!”, there is also the incredibly accurate excuse of, “I couldn’t keep this place clean by myself if I tried.” Heck, even my housekeeper brings help in the form of her daughter.

Sadly, only hours after Queen and Princess finish, the dirt and dust make return visits. When it comes to life in Egypt the “five second” rule is the “five millisecond” rule.

What prompted this post, however, is my beloved and formerly white Mac laptop, Mickie. Most people are physically repulsed when they see my Mac and ask why I haven’t tried to clean it. The screen is gross and the keyboard is even grosser. Several keys have turned a sadly permanent shade of brown.

The problem with my (formerly) white computer isn’t a lack of effort on my part to keep it clean - although I’m sure that’s a contributing factor. The problem is the desert oasis I call home.

The other day in the library I was saved from my dirty shame when I saw the Mac of the girl sitting next to me. Not only was it gross and grungy, it may actually have been filthier than my own.

Happiness is someone else’s grimy Macbook.


Jennifer said...

Hmmm... do you think maybe my house is in some weird portal, and the inside of my home is actually located in Egypt? Something for me to think about...

Roxane said...

Aww next MacBook shall be a black one! You won't see the brown smudges on black :)

LadyFi said...

Perhaps your next Mac should be a sandy colour!

I'm not shocked about the grungy state of your laptop - after all, that is only due to sand that is so much a part of where you live. I'm more shocked by people's reaction to a bit of dust! (I'm a friend of dust and love dust bunnies...;-))

Nicole said...

White is a nono anyway. How can one come up with the idea to make a white Laptop of all things?!

But trust me, I know what you are talking about.
My fan is still fighting dust leftovers, even after having it cleaned once.

More than often it still sounds like a helicopter flying above me.

Zuzana said...

Hehe, that is the problems with white laptops! My MacBook is not so pristine either and I do not live in a desert.;)) I hate the white keyboard, it is impossible to keep clean and the fact that you tend to get used to seeing it filthy doesn't help.;))

Connie said...

After packing out and removing decor from the walls... some that has been there a short time, and some that has been there from the beginning (once you get a nail INTO these hard walls, you don't move it)... well, even without stuff, we have stuff on our walls. Outlines of pictures, a lotus flower, a sun and moon, a poster shape of which you can still make out some ABC's, and spiderman is still stalking my son's room. And no. It doesn't wash off! If I can get good photos that show this detail, I'll share :D

The Noles Family: USA to Egypt to Greece to Texas to Italy said...

I used to complain about the dust in Texas when ever I return home I will no longer complain about the dust in Texas!! I seem to always be dusting and wiping things off!

United Studies said...

I think I would go crazy living there, then, because I can't stand dirt in my house!

But you know, I never really gave it a thought until now. I knew it was sandy and dusty over there, but I never thought about how difficult it would be to keep it out of a house or other building.

Does it always get in your hair?

Unknown said...

You must keep your windows open a lot! Not liking to breathe sand and not really liking heat all that much, keeping my air conditioning on prevented sand and dirt from getting into my flat!

Poor Mickie!

Shanta Hayes said...

Hi Visiting from SITS. Thanks for commenting on my page.And as

What is it about seeing someone else's grime and clutter that makes us feel better? I don't know, but I like the after effect "Well at least mine isn't as dirty as hers/his."
White on a laptop though, I can't even imagine, (besides the fact that I have three kids). And as for all the people in the library, all I can do is shake my head.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I have a silver laptop. With black keys. And it's still disgusting. I have no idea where all the grime and crumbs come from. And those cans of air...doesn't even begin to peel off the first layer of muck.

theUngourmet said...

I think the dust would drive me nuts! I have trouble keeping up with the dust I have in my house now! With 2 kids, a huge yard and a dog, it's non stop dusting!

Eve said...

HA! If it makes you feel any better, I clean my computer regularly, wash my hands, and although I do live in a desert, it's not nearly as extreme as where you are,and still my computer is consistently dirty and grungy looking!

Simple Answer said...

And I hate the feel of the grit it leaves behind!

Caution/Lisa said...

You and your Mac need to come stay with me a while. Bring your dust and grime. I won't clean either of you, and you will feel very much at home in this house.

The World's Not Greatest Housekeeper

The Blonde Duck said...

I totally get you. My aunt and uncle live in the New Mexico desert and sand gets EVERYWHERE.

Grand Pooba said...

Happiness is also seeing someon else's messy house!

In my house we have the same problem, but instead of dirt, it's pet hair. Which is why I too have decided to help the economy and hired a maid!

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

I'd rather have the desert sand that the creatures that live in it.
= )

Midlife Roadtripper said...

I had a white Mac, until Friday when it died. Had to buy a new one. Got the old model for cheaper. It is white, also, and I'm sure the place where my palms rest when I type will be brown again soon.

Hey, if I could have a maid, I'd have one. You go for it, girl.

TJV said...

Whoever thinks you must be leaving your window open for things to be that dirty is CRAZY. Dirt just materializes here - the laws of physics don't apply in Egypt. And my white MacBook is a catastrophe, even though I wipe the keyboard - one bloody key at a time - every week with windex!

Sturgmom said...

Matching grime! That's so sweet! ;)

Jemma said...

When I moved here I was convinced I was not going to need a maid and one of my colleagues in Egypt said "Girl, you will need a maid- I bet you will get one once you have dust in your cutrains." She was right- who knew dust and fine sand could come through closed windows!!

Khawaga said...

You can't fight the dust dear, don't try. When Mark took his laptop for some condition to someone in California and went to collect it, they said, Oh, yours is the computer full of sand. Hifi, CD player, all bit the dust, or rather were bitten. But it's worth it isn't it? Now we live in Denmark, in one of the world's best run, and most boring countries. Give me the dust!!

Petunia said...

Well, I'm happy to hear that my Macbook isn't the only one that looks grungy. I have no idea how it became this dirty in only 6 months of use. And I wanted the white "because it was so pretty..." :)