The following is a brief list of things men don’t have to go through. Things men don’t get. And most of all, things men need to learn a little bit more about before they complain about anything to any woman ever again.
There’s the bloating, the cramps, that time of the month, and all the euphemisms that go with it.
During the summer, there’s the bikinis and the bikini waxes.
At least those are only in summer. Because all year round we have to deal with lip waxes, high heels, and eyelash curlers, all of which go with the dress you can’t sit down in anyways.
Don’t get me started on childbirth.
In the workplace, we have charges of being b!tches when we fight the glass ceiling. While on date night we’re called sluts for smiling at cute boys, or frigid for not giving them our numbers.
And at home, we’re accused of PMS just because we want to eat everything in sight, write bitter blog posts, or snap at our loved ones who dared to suggest that books don’t always have to be in alphabetic order. Just because I’m cranky doesn’t mean it’s PMS! Maybe you did something wrong!
Oh and I’m never, ever cranky!
But when all is said and done, I have to admit that I wouldn’t trade it for all the Y-chromosomes in the world. You see, I enjoy being a girl!

But when all is said and done, I have to admit that I wouldn’t trade it for all the Y-chromosomes in the world. You see, I enjoy being a girl!
I agree with Kat, would rather deal with the PMS than have everything just...out that. Where'd you find the birthing doll, did you knit that? Omigod, I had to do a double take, how funny!
I'm cranky 24/7...I just have a very short temper:p
and don't even get in my face first thing in the morning. i have long fingernails!!
Hahaha!!! Funniest post I read in a while! ;) Nicely put! This sure made my non-PMS day!
Very funny... you forgot to mention the chocolate binges... or is that only me?
Hilarious :D!
My dogs can tell you exactly when I'm PMSing ;)
if boys went through even one of the millions of things we have to deal with.. they would cry. big fat tears.
A man could NEVER handle being a woman!
Oh, and when you master knitting, will you be moving on to crocheting naked women in the throes of childbirth? I see a moneymaker in your future. ;)
Really, that knitted/crocheted doll picture takes the cake. You hit the nail on the head! Men have no idea, but I wouldn't trade it for the world!
Good one! But that knitted woman having the baby is totally gross!
Amen! Boys aren't nearly as cool as girls! Well, except for my son, he's pretty cool!
I like being a girl, too! I am able to wear skinny jeans and 4-inch stilettos. And makeup.
LOL What a fantastic post! I'm not gonna lie, every once and again I wish I was a man...around the 28th day of my cycle or so LOL
ps. that childbirth doll is so intensely creepy!
You forgot menopause!! :)
That is an excellent post- let's also not forget us gals will wear shoes in which we can no longer feel our toes because they hurt so damn bad as well! :-)
I love being a man, and have plans of coming back as a male...anyting in the next life lol. Sorry, I love being me lol
LOL! I want that doll!!!
That doll creeped me out! But all birthing pictures do.
Perhaps if we gave them stomachs that freaked out over sugar at certain times of the month or breasts that felt like someone had slammed a truck into, perhaps then they would get it.
The birthing doll - much too funny.
Not enough money in the world to get me to be a man. But did you hear Chasity Bono (Cher's daughter) is having a sex change!!! (Honest!)
See what you're missing in the good ole USA :-)
AMEN sister! Guys are weird anyway. Dropping by to say thank you for stopping by my blog on my SITS day! Have a great weekend!
They will never understand! Love the doll!
Such a great post!
Thanks for linking at BPOTW!
The eyelash curler was invented by the devil. No joke. I would have so many more eyelashes if I hadn't tried using curlers when I was younger. Now, I've just given up.
Shawna's Study Abroad
just dropping by to say hey and your blodg is awesome!
How true!! But your right, I would never trade being a girl!
That's right! You'd want to be a boy! Being a girl rocks! Even if we have to put up with some things!
Gilr power starts with being a girl right?
I sooo feel you on the PMS thing... and the books In Order thing (and CDs too)... why they don't get that, I will never know.
Classic post! LMAO at the childbirth doll. Wow.
Winks & Smiles,
OMG, I love this sooo much, I have to tell someone else to read
And that childbirth doll is priceless!
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