Tuesday, June 02, 2009

It’s a Celebration

Like most children, I have a difficult time accepting that my parents existed or had lives before I was born. Sure there are those nebulous years between when my older brothers were born and my birth but I’m not sure those really count. After all, since the world revolves around me what was the world doing before I was me?

As I got older, I realized the world didn’t revolve around me. Worse yet, there still remains a small chance that I am not the centre of the universe.

This time every year I am forced to recall that the world is not a giant holodeck that exists only when I am in the room. In fact, the world and the people in it exist entirely separate of me – or so I’m told. You see, on this date back in 19*cough*cough* a great and wondrous event occurred in a small town in Wales that would later impact my life. My mother was born.

In so far as mothers go, mine isn’t half bad. She’s a lovely lady who puts up with nonsense like children who show up on her doorstep with 24 hours notice. She’s also an amazing cook who should someday write a cookbook to share her fabulous recipes with the world… or at least her children.

Mum is good looking and thin (see photo below taken less than a year after the birth of her first child) and gave none of the lovely thin genes to her only daughter. Not that I'm bitter.

This lovely lady is also a sharp dresser who taught me that if you buy a purse at half price and pay $100, you should only mention the half price part to your spouse when you later discuss your purchases. She also raised me to believe there is no such thing as a stupid question; however, if you ask the same “smart” question enough times, you deserve whatever you get.

My mother is one of those people who knows someone everywhere she goes: shopping at the local supermarket, parking her car at a random lot downtown, and even a museum halfway around the world – this lady knows everyone! My mother is well respected by people who don’t live with her. (And by those that do, she is both respected, loved, and feared.)

Today, on the anniversary of my mother’s birth, I would like to raise a glass of her favourite Champagne and toast this amazing lady. Sure, I wouldn’t exist without her, but more importantly, I wouldn’t be who I am today without her.

Happy birthday, Mum!


N said...

Happy birthday!

Jennifer said...

LOL! My mom didn't pass on the delicate bones to me either. They went to my sister. At least you don't have a skinnier, younger, and better looking version of you walking around. ;-) But I love my sister!

Happy, happy birthday to your mom!

Jennifer said...
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Gutsy Living said...

I saw your Mother's body and thought it was my Mother as she also had a red bikini like that.
Happy birthday to her. Enjoy the champagne on my behalf.

Unknown said...

Yea to TypO's mom!!! We appreciate the lovely woman that she brought into the world and helped shape into our awesome friend.

Happy Birthday, Mom.

Jemma said...

Kadee said it well!
Happy birthday to your mum! :-)

Zuzana said...

What a beautiful tribute to your mother! She sure must be proud to have a kid like you.;))
Happy Birthday to your mom!;))

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to your Mom!

Nicole said...

What a beautiful tribute!
Happy birthday Typ0's Mom :)!

And no, I didn't get the skinnyness of my Mom either. But I sort of am glad, because I would probably not be married to hubby if I had :)

LadyFi said...

Happy Birthday to your dear mum! She sounds lovely - and I did so enjoy her post on your blog a while back...

zelzee said...

Happy Birthday to your mother! You are a wonderful daughter!

She sounds like someone I would really enjoy!
Thanks for stopping by and visiting my blog! I always enjoy yours!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday Typ0's mom; sounds like a wise lady to me.

United Studies said...

Happy Birthday to your mom!!

On another note, are you going to Cairo University to see Obama?

MsTypo said...

Jacki, I'd LOVE to but they have that place locked down tighter than a drum and we don't merit invites, i'm afraid. Which sucks because i would ADORE to see him speak in person. *sigh* I'll be watching on TV like the rest of the world.

http://www.papermoonies.blogspot.com said...

that was a lovely post, I should reflect on my dear Mother more often.
And thanks for the Cheer up!!

Sturgmom said...

Happy birthday to your mom!

The Blonde Duck said...

Your mother sounds wonderful! Please tell her I will be hounding her for tips the moment after I deliver my first child...whenever I get pregnant...a long time from now.

LORI said...


Roxane said...

Happy Birthday Mom! When I first saw the picture of your mom's body I thought she was a mannequin, holy body batman!

Knit Purl Gurl said...

What an awesome post! Sounds like you have a great mom!! :)

Carol said...

Happy Birthday MUM! You have been blessed with a wonderful daughter..but she should be ..she's part of you


Anonymous said...

Thank you all for the greetings! I had a great day and don't feel a day/year older!
I do indeed have a wonderful daughter--thank goodness for Skype and blogging etc. to keep in touch with her :)
Typ0's Mum

Betty said...

What a sweet post! Happy belated birthday to your mom!
It´s so good to see that you have such a special relationship with her!