Sunday, June 06, 2010


It’s amazing how alone you can feel in the world until the walls come crashing down and you suddenly realize that people were there surrounding you with love and affection the entire time.

When The Ex and I split up, we decided to take the coward’s way out and tell people on Facebook – also known as the fastest way to spread bad news since the Pony Express. We never wanted people to feel they had to “choose sides” and this was a way to tell both sides in one fell swoop without actually having to tell anyone.

The people who reached out to me after that one brief keystroke struck me to my core with their friendship. From offers to slay dragons in defense of my honour and cyber hugs of sympathy, to offers of places to stay and shared stories of hard times, the love I felt from friends around the world warmed my broken heart and helped put it back together.

I always knew I had good friends but when my darkest hour was upon me my friends showed me the way toward the dawn and for that there will never be enough words of thanks or love. For the hugs, phone calls, emails, messages, posts, nagging, laughter, threats, knights in shining armor, and friends and family around the world: thank you. Your thoughts, wishes, and words meant (and mean) more to me than I can ever express.


Liz Mays said...

It's nice to know that people really do care, isn't it?

Corinne said...

We got your back! There are lots of people across the planet who love you to pieces. The amazing thing about your situation, Typo, is that no matter where you go, you're not too far from a friend. And then there's the great distance cutter, the internet. Gajillions of people are only a Skype away. Sverre agrees.

Unknown said...

Sorry I missed your facebook status.. sorry I have been MIA..really... go and travel & do something for yourself & keep us posted!

N said...

Bon courage as we say in French. It's always heart warming to have your close friends nearby. You're a strong woman so you'll overcome this difficult phase.

Sturgmom said...

HUGS to you! I hope your search for self is equally as meaningful as what you find at the end of it!

Gutsy Living said...

I am so glad to hear that you're OK. I worried about the long silence and now I know. New Zealand and Australia sound like exciting places to visit. Wishing you positive thoughts and dreams.

sprinkles said...

Sometimes I feel like the friends I talk to via the internet are better friends than the ones I talk to face to face.

I'm glad you've found you're not alone in difficult times.

Pseudo said...

And you have us out here in blog world. Glad to hear your friends have your back.

Melissa said...

Oh hurrah, am so glad you are ok and back. :) Also so sorry that it was sad circumstances that spurred your silence. I admire your grace in choosing to maintain the respect for your marriage by not talking about the gory details.

I'm currently job hunting overseas and when I land a job you will have another place to visit and crash - and it won't be Iraq! :)

Look forward to hearing more from you.

- Melissa (former PsychoKnitter)

Melissa said...

Oh and my goodness, I still have those knitting needles for you. Although they may be in storage day you shall have them!

Connie said...

And thank goodness for the internet, that lets you reach out, or be reached out to. It's a darn good thing. More (((hugs))) because you can never have too many :)

DRL said...

I've been wondering about you! Hope all is well and that this is a positive new journey for you on your ever-changing path.

LadyFi said...

So happy to hear that you have the love and support you deserve.

Wishing you insight, peace and joy and tears along the way...

Marshmallow Circus said...

So glad you had support. Best wishes for you.

DianeCA said...

You never really know who your friends are until you need them. I remember a time in my life when my friends also came pouring in with support and just about everything else I needed. I will never forget all they did for me. You give a lot to others and it is okay for you to recieve too sometimes. Take care of yourself. I am sure this period is very difficult, but we learn from everything we go through. HUGS!!!

RennyBA's Terella said...

You really deserve all the "hugs, phone calls, emails, messages, posts, nagging........" you can have dear friend and here is an extra Viking Hug from me :-)